Deploy SQL PaaS DB
Creation of Database
- MITA will be responsible for the creation of the database.
- The client needs to raise the necessary eRFS in which the following must be specified:
- Database name – it is recommended that the database name follows adheres to the following convention: DB_Solution_alias–databasename–L/D where Solution Alias is the same as the name of the resource group and where L denotes Live, and D denotes development or testing.
- Database Owner – This will be the SQL account that will be granted Database owner permissions
- Size – client needs to specify an approximate size of the database.
- Following creation of the database the client will be supplied with:
- A connection string with which to connect to the database
- The Password for the db owner account (which he client needs to change at his earliest opportunity)
Database Maintenance & Support
The client has to:
- Abide to GMICT policies (
- Handle support of the database as well as database tuning and optimization.
- Perform data modification and data maintenance such as the execution of scripts, etc.
- Handle all related Application support.
- Domain or ADFs authentication is not applicable with SQL-PaaS and only SQL authentication is permitted. Hence, user maintenance and housekeeping of the databases are the responsibilities of the client.
- User accounts and password policy must be conformant with the relevant GMICT policies.
- MITA reserves the right to switch off workloads due to abuse of service or breach of applicable policies and procedures and any other relevant standard and / or guidebook published and / or updated from time to time.
- Only database authentication is supported, Domain or ADFs authentication is not applicable with SQL-PaaS.
- Audit logs are retained for a maximum of 90 days.
Database Backups/Restores
- MITA will be responsible for performing database restores.
- The client needs to raise the necessary RFS specifying the database name that needs to be restored.
- Point in time recovery is supported for up to 7 calendar days.
- Backups shall be retained for a total period of 6 months (26 weekly backups.)
Database Deletion
- MITA will be responsible for handling database deletions.
- The client needs to raise the necessary RFS specifying the database that needs to be deleted.
SSL Certificates
- SSL certificate provides encrypted connection and data transfer between a particular SQL Server instance and a client application. A certificate validates the incoming encrypted connection from the client application.
- We will provide the client with an SSL certificate with the connection string in order to connect the database
- OS Patching: The patching of OS on which SQL Server for PaaS is installed will happen on 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. This will involve a Service disruption as the servers will be automatically rebooted following the installation of patches.
- SQL Server Patching: The patching of PaaS MSSQL instances will happen on the 2nd Thursday of every month between 00:00 and 02:00. Clients may experience a disruption of the service during this procedure. An automated reminder will be notified to the clients about this possible disruption prior to installation of patches.
- Critical Security Patching: MITA reserves the right to install Critical Security patches on an adhoc basis. The installation of these patches may cause Service disruption. A notification will be sent to the Client prior to the installation of said patches.