Using Update Management Service
The Update Management solution, accessible under any Automation Account resource, facilitates update scheduling and management for both Azure and non-Azure VMs. This solution can be enabled after linking the automation account with the resource group’s Log Analytics Workspace.
An Azure Stack VM will only be visible within the Update Management solution only if an MMA agent is installed and is reporting to a Log Analytics Workspace on the cloud.
Purpose of this Document
This document goes through the procedure of correctly onboarding VMs that reside on the Azure Stack to the Update Management service using Static Saved Searches. The workaround was introduced since Dynamic Saved Searches in Azure do not currently support Azure Stack VMs.
The solution being proposed produces the same outcome as if the Azure Stack machines were dynamically added to a machine group on deployment and associated with the appropriate schedule within the project’s automation account. It aims to set up all on-premises VMs associated with a project to be managed by Update Management, which provides status assessments of available updates as well as governance over update processes.
- Navigate to the respective Resource Group on the Microsoft Azure cloud-based portal. This would be the resource group that contains the Log Analytics Workspace and Automation Account for an on-prem project;
- Click on the Automation Account within the RG:

- Click on the Update Management blade under the Configuration Management section:

- Select Deployment schedules. Two schedules should be displayed as shown below:

- Click on DefaultLinuxUpdateConfig and then select the Machines to update tab:

- From the list of static saved searches, click on All Linux Computers to add it to the selected items:

- Click OK at the bottom and save the settings from the top left side of the menu.
- Do the same thing for DefaultWindowsUpdateConfig, but select the All Windows Computers saved search instead in the Machines to update.